Happy Coding

This assignment will be rather different, and probably quite relaxing: it mostly consists of watching non-technical videos providing all kinds of advice that may benefit you as a software developer and as a human.

The topics covered here will not be tested in an exam. But in case you need any motivation to take them seriously anyway: take another look at the title of this lesson. ☺

Motivation & discipline

Wisdomination - Screw motivation, what you need is discipline.

Part 1: Motivation is a counterproductive attitude to productivity. What counts is discipline.

Wisdomination - Practical discipline

Part 2: Tips on how to actually build discipline.

Imposter syndrome

Elizabeth Cox - What is imposter syndrome and how can you combat it?

The imposter syndrome is very, very prevalent among software developers. It's important that you recognize it as such.

TheSchoolOfLife - The Impostor Syndrome

Another interesting take on the imposter syndrome.

Depression & burn-out

Programmers and Depression: Why No One Talks About This and 8 Powerful Ways to Overcome It - article

Eight sensible things to do that may help you fight off oncoming depression.

Programmers and Depression: Why No One Talks About This and 8 Powerful Ways to Overcome It - video

Video version of the above article.

ACT StudentHelp

Our academy created a surprising useful website with information on all kinds of problems that may crop up during your studies, and links to Saxion facilities that may be of help.

PS: Why not take a short break now, if you haven't already? 😀


Programmers Should DEFINITELY Exercise (If You Don't Want To... DIE?)

A very convincing and actionable video about the three most cliche pieces of lifestyle advice.

Programmer Posture


How to Maximize Your Productivity (As a Software Developer or Learning Programming)

Three potentially very valuable tips for software developers.

Wikipedia - Pomodoro Technique


An online Pomodoro timer.

Learning to program

5 HUGE Tips For New Programmers

Getting and staying in the flow

Programmer Flow State: "In The Zone" Coding

This is why you shouldn't interrupt a programmer

A comic to make the point.


Tim Urban - Inside the mind of a master procrastinator

Funny and awfully recognizable explanation of procrastination. Especially the case of non-deadline procrastination, identified near the end of this video, may be an important life realization!